Program Eagle

Welcome to Program EAGLE- Davis's before and after school care program.

We plan to provide a fun, safe, and academically viable environment for your child both before and after school hours during the school year.

• Every child attending must complete a current registration form and pay a registration fee of $25.00
• Tuition fees must be paid weekly. Payments are due each Friday for the following week. Payments are considered late by Monday evening. Late payments will be subject to $10.00 late fee.
• Weekly tuition is $40.00 for before care, $75.00 for after care, $100.00 for both before and after care. The rate will not change due to RCPS holidays or weather cancellations. RCPS employees receive an additional $10.00 weekly discount.
• No credits for missed sessions
• The preferred payment method is OSP-Online School Payables through our school’s website. Payments can also be made with cash, check, money order, or cashier’s check. Payments should be made to GRDMS.
• Before school hours are from 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM, after school hours are from Dismissal to 6:15 PM. Beginning at 6:15 PM, there will be a $15.00 fee charged for every 15-minute increment your child is late being picked up.
• Only persons listed on registration will be allowed to pick up students.
• We expect students to behave properly, the same way they are expected to behave during the school day. Student can be withdrawn/expelled from the program for the following reasons: o Excessive late pick-up o Non-payment of tuition o Disciplinary actions
• If RCPS is closed early due to inclement weather, Program EAGLE will be closed as well. We look forward to serving your child through Program EAGLE

Click HERE for complete information and printable registration form