DMS front, walkway lined with small American flags

Welcome to General Ray Davis Middle School


School Announcements

Our teachers are ready to help with free SOAR Tutorial!
Available both in-person and online.
CLICK HERE for Information

Attention all rising 6th,7th,and 8th-grade students....

Are You Interested in Cheering for your

Davis Middle School Eagles???

There will be a parent interest meeting on

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

DMS Commons Area


(Parents MUST BE PRESENT to receive all cheer information.)

If there are any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Ravenell.  

RCPS Middle School Carnegie Course Opportunities
Parent Q&A
Click HERE to see the recorded meeting

8th Grade Trip Parent Meeting

Missed the meeting? See the recording using the link below:


RCPS Learning Support Newsletter

Click Here

Looking for before or after-school care for DMS students?

Click HERE to learn more about Program Eagle


School Supply List

2024-2025 School Year 
Parent Portal Student Annual Updates NOW OPEN

IMPORTANT – Parents, please make sure to complete your 2024-25 Annual Update now in Infinite Campus Parent Portal so there is no delay for your student in accessing their laptop/iPad for 2024-25 school year. Log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal, then in the left column click "More" and "Annual Student Updates."

If you need to set up an account,
click here for instructions.

*Doing this early means that your child will have a smooth start to the next school year with the most current and accurate information.

To access annual updates:

  1. Log into Infinite Campus Parent Portal. *If you need to create a Parent Portal account refer to directions on the website or inquire at your child's school.
  2. Click three lines in the top left-hand corner for Menu.
  3. Click on 'more'
  4. Annual Updates and Registration
  5. Click on 24-25 School Year (Next Year) 

DMS Announcements

District Announcements

Parents: We need your feedback!

Click the link below to let us know what we are doing right and how we can improve:


Upcoming Events

Quick Links